Stay Focused on
Mission 2022

HI, how are you?.i want to be a web devoloper. That's why I am learning and mastering web development. I will not stop until I become the Web Development Hero.


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Mission in 2022


My mission in 2022 is tob be a junior web devoloper.Thats why I am learning basic HTML CSS JavaScript and Some framework,like Bootstrap Angular JS react JS etc. those things I am learning with programming Hero team.


now I am learning font end of web development with programming Hero team next I would like to learn beckend of web development with another course or programming Hero team that's it I don't know vision meaning.


In my life, I have various off goal but in web development sector First of all I want to be a good web developer Then I would like to to get job in in Google. by doing programming Hero web development course I took the first step.


get job in Google!

Whats upp, in this section I would like to tell you about my dream' It's very simple . I want to get job in Google. you know, Google is the best company in the world and it's a tech giant and I heard a lot of story about Google workers and I inspired from those stories to get job in Google. and I decide at decided I will work on Google!.


About Me

I am Ahadun nobi.

In simple word I am noob hacker noob web developer and a bad student after that I studied Sheikher hat High School,now I completing my high school in sitakunda degree college.and I also learning development from programming Hero you can call me A hero



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